What do Search Spiders look for?

Content of your web page text is what most Search Engine Spiders look at but each one will look at it differently. So how do you make your web pages look good to all of them all of the time? You don't. Your web page content should first look good to your visitor, giving them what they are looking for, at the same time using some of the following guidelines to be sure the spiders like them also.

Establish a clear purpose in your first couple sentences. The top of your page or article will be what some search engines will use instead of your meta tag site description. Make your article as long or short as you need to but be sure you get your three most important key words into the first couple sentences. Don't saturate, but be sure to include them.

Stay on the subject of your title. If you are writing an article on how to make the perfect homemade dog treat don't also write paragraph after paragraph about the importance of walking your dog. Your meta tag title should be in line with your article or page title and in line with your content.

Review for the word weight of your page or article. If possible you don't want to have any one word be in your article to often. If your three chosen keywords for your article are more than 5% of your total word count you should look to use some alternate words. For example if you used "photo" a lot, see if you can replace some of those entries with "photograph" or "picture" to cut down on over saturation.

Keeping your web site visitor in mind is your first goal but if you can apply some of the above ideas into your content the search engine spiders will also be a lot happier. These spiders will typically visit your web site once a month. You can apply these changes any time and eventually they will help your search ranking.